2021 Hiraya Childhood Play Farm, (Rizal, Philippines) Review: Part 2

We spent around 4 hours at Hiraya Farm, and it was a jampacked day of fun and memory-making! Coming straight kite flying, it was time to explore other parts of the farm!

Animals Up Close

Duck, Duck, (No Goose)

Paul looks on curiously. Three ducks being fed by three happy kids!

One of the Mati and Hannah’s favorite experiences from Hiraya Farm (which they can’t stop talking about) was how they got to feed animals up close! They’ve previously been to farms and zoos where the animals were in enclosures, so this was a totally new experience for them.

Mati and Hannah generously scattering feed for Summer, Spot & Marvin.

At Hiraya Farm, they got to feed goats, rabbits, a pig, ducks as they roamed about, give a carabao a bath, and even hold a snake!

When the ducks had their fill, they waddled off to the fishing pond for a swim!

Speaking of fishing, the pond was full of azola (natural fish food which ducks can also eat) which were used to feed the small fishes in the pond! If you’re visiting in the next few months the fish will be grown and the water will be clear for fishing! 🙂

Bonbon the Monkey and Turkeys

Bonbon is a rescue, Mati and Hannah fed him with so much pellets his hands were too full!
You have the option of feeding the turkeys roaming about, but I felt more comfortable behind the fencing.

Chill Time

Mati looking over to Hannah
Hannah living her best farm girl life

While we waited for Kuya Dennis to bring Tala the carabao for her bath, Mati and Hannah found comfy hammocks to take a break from their animal caring duties!

Bath Time at Hiraya Farm

Time for Tala the carabao’s bath
Tala needs a shower 2x a day because carabaos only have sweat glands on their noses and they can easily feel overheated under the hot sun
Paul and Albert’s turn to give Tala a good soaking
Our 3-year old Hannah having fun blasting cool water on Tala

Kinky The Pig

After everyone had their turn giving Tala her bath, it was time to feed Kinky the pig. I love how Hiraya Farm is set up – all the animals are just in their own space, and at night time they are moved closer to socialize with one another.

Mati giving Kinky his first bite of lunch.
Our baby Paul also had a turn! Kinky looks a lot like Bebop from the 90’s TMNT cartoon, no?
No lechon jokes allowed. Once an animal at Hiraya Farm is named, they will never be sold or placed on the menu.

The Scariest Part of Hiraya Farm? 😉

Haha our yaya ran far, far away when she heard Kuya Dennis saying he going to get the snakes.

Hiraya Farm has two Burmese pythons, Joyjoy (black) and Mikki (yellow). They are non-poisonous and have had zero striking history, which was all I needed to hear to let the kids near the pythons.

Mommy the Snake Charmer haha.
Paul was the first Santillan kid to touch the python! Hannah quickly followed after.
Mati was too busy eyeing Ate Bheng’s bright red walkie-talkie and peppering her with questions to give a glance at the pythons! To each his own haha.

Fruit Picking at Manawari Farm

Part of the available activities listed at Hiraya Farm was fruit picking! It wasn’t in the main farm, but at the nearby Manawari farm. It was a short 5-minute ride away on the kuliglig!

We shot a selfie video and it was so fun being on the open road with the wind on our hair and masked faces hehe!

Manawari farm is the next phase of development for Hiraya Farm’s owners and we can’t wait to go back in the next few months to check it out (they are planning to put up a zip line!)

There was an upward path along Manawari Farm and Hannah immediately found a papaya laying on the ground.
To which Mati then replied, “I want a papaya also!”
Past his nap time but Paul was still up and about!
Coffee beans picked by Hannah herself

How To Book Your Own Trip To Hiraya Farm

You can message Hiraya Farm on their Facebook page. They’re very responsive and answered all my questions promptly and completely.


As of this writing, they are only accepting one family/group (7 pax-17 pax) per day. The rate below is good for 7 pax, and the fee for each additional person is Php 300. Babies below one year old can enter for free.

Weekdays: Php3,000

Weekends: Php5,000

Here are the FAQ’s they sent when I confirmed by booking (50% bank deposit) with the rates for the special activities and items for rent/sale.

You Won’t Regret It

I can’t emphasize how sulit (worth it!) our trip was in all aspects. Initially, I was a bit hesitant about the distance & travel-time (2.5 hours), but I’m grateful we pushed through! Everything about Hiraya Farm was so relaxing, enjoyable (and even educational!) that Mati and Hannah keep asking when we’ll be going back.

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6 Replies to “2021 Hiraya Childhood Play Farm, (Rizal, Philippines) Review: Part 2”

  1. What a great trip!! Thank you so much for this post.

  2. Looks like Mati Hannah and Paul had a great time!

  3. Can’t think of a better experience for city kids to enjoy!

  4. Sheena Sy Gonzales says: Reply

    Looks like such a nice place!! Putting this on my list. Thank you for sharing!

  5. How is the parking situation? With covid, did you think that the farm was flexible in case things needed to be rebooked?

  6. Nice family trip! Thank you for sharing this

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