Money in Marriage: How Much Do You Earn? This is a very sensitive and sometimes loaded question. It’s not the norm to discuss how much you earn regardless of what social group you are part of (with the exception of […]
Trade Show Tips For First-Timers
Have you ever been to a trade show abroad? It can get wayyy crazy and overwhelming! Trade shows are a great way to scout for new suppliers and get fresh product ideas. With advanced planning and preparation, you can maximize […]
7 Ways To Help Yayas and Helpers Save

It’s a privilege to have the means to hire yayas and all-around helpers, but also a huge responsibility (and occasionally a headache) to manage personalities and be a blessing to them as well. Better Than Before As a work-at-home mom, […]
2019 Big Bad Wolf: Tips, Book Haul, and Prices

The Big Bad Wolf is Back! After Big Bad Wolf’s first run here in Manila last year, I was so excited when they announced they would be back this year! We went during the VIP day (thanks for the pass, Sheena!), […]
How To Start Your Business (Part 2 of 3)

Startup Business Step #3 Research your Competition For every optimistic startup business owner, there is a mile-long line of direct and indirect competition. When we started out Bonjour Baby, we had only one direct competitor brand in a high-end mall. […]