Over a year ago, I shared about our investing plan for our kids. Since then, here are things I’ve learned, what have been re-affirmed, and what we’ve tried since then: Sort-of-Safe: Buy Well-Researched Single Stocks for Short Term Safest Bet: […]
Get Rich Slow – Investing For Kids (2020 Update: COL Financial Review)

A couple of years ago, I previously wrote a post about how I invested our kids’ money (it was only Mati and Hannah then), and most of it holds true. But lately after reading more about investments and computing how […]
Money Questions in Marriage: How Much Do You Spend?

In my previous post, Money In Marriage: How Much Do You Make?, I wrote about how important it is to discuss each other’s incomes before getting married. Equally important is to learn about the spending habits and money attitude of […]
Money In Marriage: Mine or Ours? Joint or Separate Bank Accounts?

The Short Answer Do both. Albert is a super practical guy. Albert and I share a joint account but we also keep separate bank accounts. Joint Account: Albert funds our joint account which we use for our household expenses. He uses […]
2020 Ipon Challenge: Increase Your Savings & Enjoy Your Money This Year

For 2020, my Ipon Challenge is a list of five exercises that will shift your money mindset in three areas: discipline, resourcefulness, and abundance. These five challenges can be seen as boring, but some are actually fun and exciting. I’ve […]
Money In Marriage: How Much Do You Make?

Money in Marriage: How Much Do You Earn? This is a very sensitive and sometimes loaded question. It’s not the norm to discuss how much you earn regardless of what social group you are part of (with the exception of […]