In my previous post, Money In Marriage: How Much Do You Make?, I wrote about how important it is to discuss each other’s incomes before getting married. Equally important is to learn about the spending habits and money attitude of […]
Money In Marriage: Mine or Ours? Joint or Separate Bank Accounts?

The Short Answer Do both. Albert is a super practical guy. Albert and I share a joint account but we also keep separate bank accounts. Joint Account: Albert funds our joint account which we use for our household expenses. He uses […]
Money In Marriage: How Much Do You Make?

Money in Marriage: How Much Do You Earn? This is a very sensitive and sometimes loaded question. It’s not the norm to discuss how much you earn regardless of what social group you are part of (with the exception of […]
A Delightful Family Photo Shoot

I know I’ve said it before after I gave birth to Hannah, but shoti Paul will definitely be our LAST baby na, hehe! A Delightful Family Photo Shoot We booked a playhouse session with Delightful Little Darlings (DLD) by Denise […]
The Babymoon: Traveling Tips for Pregnant Women (28 weeks)

Early this year, Albert surprised me with a babymoon trip to Japan before we have our 3rd baby. At the time he bought our plane tickets, I was already a few weeks pregnant. I was very thankful and excited for […]
4 Dating Tips I Learned Before Marrying Albert

We’re celebrating our 4th wedding anniversary tomorrow. We got married in 2015, and since then it’s been fun, tough, glorious, frustrating, wonderful, and just one of the best things that have ever happened to me. Instead of writing a cheesy […]